Tanja Barnes, LMT
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LaStone Therapy

The combination of fire and ice are the elements that comprise LaStone therapy. The warmth of the sun and the coolness of snow are blended into the massage via heated smooth river stones and chilled carved marble stones to induce deep healing energies of the earth into your body, mind and spirit. LaStone therapy has its foundations in the sweat lodges of the American Indian, but I take it even further and go deeper by combining the cultural traditions of ancient Polynesia, the Far East (including China, Japan and India), and European healing traditions in addition to the elements of Native American spirituality.

Shamans and healers traditionally work with crystals and gems of a high vibration. But the use of common stones to bring about healing and balance has been around since the beginning of time. In recorded history, the first use of heated stones to relieve tired muscles dates back to before the Shang Dynasty in China (ca. 4000 BC). As mentioned earlier, Native Americans traditionally use heated stones in ceremonial sweat lodges, but they would also take sun heated stones to relieve cramps. In the Philippines rough basalt stones are used in daily ablutions to exfoliate the skin. In old Japan, hot stones were placed in the obi (sash) of the kimono after a meal to help give a sense of fullness longer. Even in the New World, the American cowboy placed hot stones that were heated in the campfire into their bedding to keep them warm at night on the open prairie. In more recent times, LaStone therapy, the original hot stone massage, was created and developed by Mary Hannigan in 1993. I trained with Mary personally at the Desert Institute of Healing Arts in Tucson and I am the first certified LaStone therapist and instructor in the Los Angeles area.

On a physical level, my work with LaStone Therapy has enabled me to work at deeper levels than are possible with my bare hands. The application of hot stones to an area penetrates the tissues deeper, softens the muscles and releases tension. Furthermore, with the application of cold stones, I am better able to treat acute injuries, by reducing muscle inflammation. Alternating the use of both hot and cold stones to the body increases the circulatory response from all systems. Hot stones bring oxygenated blood to an area, increasing lymph flow and metabolism. Conversely, cold stones push away unwanted congestion, inflammation and blockage of any kind. The result is "vascular gymnastics" (or the scientific term "thermo-cryotherapy") which helps detoxify the body and bring it back into balance.

On a mental and spiritual level, the continuing application of hot and cold stones to the body result in a deeper state of relaxation. Profound feelings of balance, serenity and wholeness are experienced as well as a sense of being cradled and nurtured. This leads to a feeling of well being and a connection to Gaia, to Mother Earth, as well as to Father Sky. Thus, LaStone therapy becomes sacred stone therapy.

Truly, LaStone Therapy is the most innovative and "hottest" massage treatment available. I invite you to experience the magic and profundity of the stones. Please note that due to the fact that about 70 lbs. of stones are required to perform a LaStone Therapy treatment, I regret that I am unable to offer this as an outcall service.

How to Receive a LaStone Therapy Treatment

I am a certified LaStone Therapist trained in the application, care and contraindications of a heated stone massage. The following are some guidelines on how to receive a treatment:

LaStone Therapy stones are heated to over 100 degrees F, the same temperature that water is heated in a steam room. Most people can tolerate this temperature without any problems. However, should you experience any discomfort let me know immediately so that I may modify the application of the stones for your comfort. Every body is different and I do require verbal feed back if the stones don't feel good to you in anyway including temperature and use.

During a portion of a LaStone Therapy treatment, you may be asked to lay down on the stones with a towel used as an insulator between you and the direct heat of the stones. This layout should not press on any bony prominence (i.e. your spine, shoulder blades, etc.) Let me know if you feel any pain or discomfort so that I may correct the layout for you. Also tell me if the heat from the stones is too intense to that I may provide another layer of towels.

A LaStone Therapy treatment is deeply relaxing and the effects of a session may last for up to 24 hours. Be sure to drink plenty of water prior to and after you appointment to flush you body of metabolic wastes.

Finally, LaStone Therapy is a treatment profuse in the application of oil. You may want to bring comfortable clothing such as sweats and a t-shirt to wear home after your session so that your favorite outfit is not stained.

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